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Enhance business intelligence, conversion paths and drive profitability

Key HubSpot field properties pushed into Google Analytics

Below are all the HubSpot object level data metrics Analytics Amplifier will push into Google Anlytics to help you drive better business outcomes.

Lifecycle set

Connect HubSpot's default lifecycle stages, such as Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) or Sales Qualified Lead (SQL).

Deals won

Understand what content or campaigns were successful in securing your large deals and go after more like them!

Persona set

If you use HubSpot Personas you will be able to analyse which personas are most effective for you. Create look-a-like audiences based off them.

Lead score*

We care most about our 'Warm' and 'Hot' leads, now you can focus on what works for them, plus use look-a-like audiences to find more of them. *Only available with HubSpot Marketing Pro or Enterprise.

Number of associated deals

Target contacts who you have open/current deals with.

Lead status

Start or stop advertising to your prospects based off their current lead status.


Stop wasting money advertising to prospects that do not want to hear from you.

NPS rating*

Got happy customers? Target and find more of them. *Only available with HubSpot Marketing Pro or Enterprise.

Got a suggestion?

We are always looking to improve our product. If you have a suggestion let us know and we’ll look into it.